Over 50 Farmers, food producers and interested folks desended on the rural community of Glengarry in the heart of Gippsland on May 1st (International Permaculture Day) this meeting is understood to be the first of its kind bringing together Permaculture minds!

The wet and windy autumn day attracted a committed bunch of Permaculture minded friends to share and exchange ideas on food production in Gippsland and beyond.


The Convergence was hosted and Mc’d by Permaculture designer/consultant and farmer Nick Huggins from Jacmarall Farm in the NSW southern tablelands. The event managed to secure many great speakers from the Gippsland area with a visit from local lad, now Melbourne based Adam Grubb from Very Edible Gardens (VEG). Adam’s keynote address to the participants had many reconsidering there views on weeds (non desirable plants) as a good source of nutrition as a ZERO input food system.


Adam Grubb from VEG taking the convergence crew on a edible weeds talk around the Glengarry hall.

Soil specialist Michael Coffey offers up a wide knowledge of life under our feet.

Soil specialist Michael Coffey offers up a wide knowledge of life under our feet.

Michael Coffey from Sale brought his many years of experience in small scale farming and horticulture education to share his insights into the world under our feet. With soil being the base of our Permaculture and food growing systems, Michael talked about the basic fundamentals of soil creation, structure and how to be productive, regenerate and make the most of the land we have.



Adam Grubb out in the Glengarry sunshine talk weeds..

Adam Grubb out in the Glengarry sunshine talking food weeds..



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Melissa Pavey from the Glengarry Primary School food garden program gave the audience a great insight into her challenges and successes. Melissa talked about introducing Permaculture into her school curriculum and its effect from the kids that she teaches. Melissa’s focus in her talk was how do we introduce children to permaculture ethics and principals through there integration into the learning outcomes.

Andrew Bees

Above, local beekeeper and Permaculture designer from Sale, Andrew Young from Acacia Garden Services imparted his knowledge on how we can all get involved in backyard scale honey production and pollination with in a design system.

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Above – Scott McFarlane and Permaculture practitioner, engineer and alternative energy expert helped us understand the roll of human waste (Sh*T) or Humanure in a closed system nutrient recycling system. Scott did his Permaculture Design Cert back some 20 years ago, since then he has been working on his own productive systems and also publishing articles in Australian Alternate Tech magazines. We saved the most interesting topic until last. Its one of those very important topics but one thats not a hot topic of dinner conversation!

Kilos and kilos of produce, skills was shaped and traded on the day with friends made and strengthened at the convergence. At the end of the day we managed to donate remaining funds left over after costs were covered to the Glengarry school garden program, inject some inspiration into the gippsland community and launch a PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate ) to be held in August this year.

Thanks to the continued support of Shane & Marnie Ellis at Applebox Farm & Gippsland Free Range Eggs.

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